

Looking for an incredible opportunity that provides you with the chance to develop as a professional salesperson? Hoosier Contractors has the perfect opportunities for you! Our team is growing and we need dedicated, motivated salespeople to join us! At Hoosier Contractors, we believe in eliminating...

When hail damage strikes a home, it often leads to more than roof damage. Because hail can cause serious damage to a roof, it can lead to internal structural damage. Even a small water leak can cause mold to grow and cause your insulation to...

When it comes to having your roof repaired or replaced, you’ve probably been dragging your feet. Whether you don’t want to go through the hassle of having someone out to your home or you just don’t want to spend the time right now, replacing your...

Hiring an Indianapolis roofing company can be intimidating. After all, you aren’t a roofing expert. How do you know if the contractor is trying to pull the wool over your eyes or scam you out of service? Unfortunately, you can’t avoid replacing or repairing your...

With Spring finally here in Central Indiana, we can all expect the inevitable April showers and the storms that follow. This is also the time of year when we start climbing on our roofs to inspect the shingles and make sure everything is looking good....

How many homeowners actually enjoy spending hours of their time pouring over their insurance paperwork? There’s a good chance, if you’re a homeowner, you aren’t the type of homeowner who enjoys this. In fact, you’re probably like the majority of homeowners who just sign the...

Ice dams are the bane of all roofs. When an ice dam forms, it means water has a much higher risk of finding its way into your attic, insulation, and walls. We don’t need to tell you the dangers associated with water leaks, but Indianapolis...

How often do you break out the ladder and climb on your roof to examine the shingles? There’s a good chance this doesn’t happen very often or at all. To help you get your roof’s maintenance under control, here are 5 roof maintenance tips: ...

When it comes to your home, you do everything you can to keep it maintained and safe. From checking smoke detector batteries to cleaning out the gutters, you check each item off your home maintenance list. However, checking your roof may not ever make it...

If you know a roofer, you’ve probably heard them talking about the importance of roof inspections. You see, your roof can sustain all kinds of damage without you even knowing it. Everything from hail to ice build up to leaves in your gutters can cause...