
5 Tips For Roof Maintenance

5 Tips For Roof Maintenance

How often do you break out the ladder and climb on your roof to examine the shingles? There’s a good chance this doesn’tCheck out these great roof maintenance tips. happen very often or at all. To help you get your roof’s maintenance under control, here are 5 roof maintenance tips:

      1. Trim branches close to the roof to prevent damage and keep animals off the roof. Most homeowners don’t love climbing up on their roof let alone trying to trim branches high up in trees. However, if there are limbs or branches close to your roof, you could be in for some serious issues. Not only can these branches end up scraping and damaging shingles, but they make for a perfect bridge for squirrels and raccoons to make their way onto your roof. These branches and limbs can also break during high winds and storms causing major damage to your home.
      2. Keep your gutters clean to avoid ice and snow build up. Cleaning the gutters is probably your least favorite fall home maintenance task, but it’s one of the most important tasks for your roof. When your gutters are full of leaves and other debris, they can cause ice and snow to build up on your roof, which can lead to water leaks and excessive weight on the roof. Clean gutters also allow for rainwater to flow freely away from vulnerable areas of the roof.
      3. Sweep debris off your roof to avoid shingle damage. When it comes to your roof maintenance, you may not love the idea of getting up on the roof with a broom, but it can help save your roof. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can pile up on your roof. From the valleys in the roofline to the low slopes on your roof, this debris can cause algae to grow, clog the gutters, and damage the shingles.
      4. Keep an eye out for missing and damaged shingles. As you mow the lawn or work on your garden or simply walk in from getting the mail, do a quick scan of your roof. Do you notice missing shingles? Do any of the shingles look like they might be damaged? Dark spots on your shingles can indicate algae growth or hail damage, both of which are bad for your roof.
      5. Have a professional inspect your roof to look for signs of needed repair. Doing the above things go a long way in keeping your roof maintained, but at the end of the day, you probably aren’t a professional roofer. It takes a skilled and trained eye to know exactly what to look for on a roof. A no-obligation roof inspection from Indianapolis roofing contractors means you’ll know the damage your roof has sustained.

Roof maintenance is serious business. You may not always think of it this way, but your roof is your home’s first line of defense. It’s ultimately what keeps your family and your biggest investment, your home, safe from the elements. Don’t let your roof fall into disrepair or let hail damage be your home’s undoing. Schedule your no-obligation roof inspection from Hoosier Contractors today.