
Roofing Contractors in Indianapolis: Your Roof’s Hidden Issues

Roofing Contractors in Indianapolis: Your Roof’s Hidden Issues

Even if you can’t see roof damage on your home, it doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Roofing contractors in Indianapolis know that there are several hidden roof issues that could be causing major damage to your home without you even knowing it. Unfortunately, unless you are a trained professional roofer, you probably don’t have the know-how to look for these hidden issues or even know what to look for. Because they are often lurking under the surface of your roof’s shingles, roofing contractors in Indianapolis have to inspect your roof from the outside and the inside in order to gain a full picture of what’s going on.

To help you better understand the issues and what roofing contractors in Indianapolis are looking for, here are a few of the hidden issues your roof could be suffering from:

Hidden Leaks

Small roof leaks may not seem like a big deal and you probably won’t even notice them. While these leaks do sometimes make it to the ceilings of your home and create water spots, they also don’t always make it that far. When that happens, the insulation in your attic space can become moist, which leads to mold and mildew build up. Eventually, this mold and mildew can make its way into the rest of your home and you will end up with an even larger problem.

Roof Deck Rot

The deck of your roof is the plywood or other roof decking material that your shingles are attached to. It acts as a barrier between the shingles and the attic of your home. When this plywood becomes rotten, you face serious issues like roof collapse and major water damage. Rotting roof decks are unstable and often unnoticeable. If your roof deck is rotting, then it can lead to major issues that could end up costing you some pretty big money.

Unnoticed Roof Damage

Storms, especially storms with strong winds, often cause the most serious and unnoticed roof damage. During strong wind storms, roofing materials can be displaced and shifted, which can cause damage and leave open the possibility of damage to occur. Roofing shingles may not be missing, but they could have blown up during the storm, causing them to loosen, which means they could fall off or blow off at any time. The wind can cause shingles to blow off and lead to torn underlayment paper and leave the roof decking exposed to the elements.  


Your roof could have a number of hidden issues that are causing damage without you even knowing it. It’s important to have a roofing professional inspect your roof, especially after a major storm, to assess and locate any issues that could potentially lead to major issues with your roof and with your home. A roof inspection can help you keep your home safe from the elements.